If you choose to design your own print ready files – it is important to understand the basic guidelines to avoid any production issues. Before submitting your artwork we kindly ask that you review your files to ensure that they meet our guidelines for high quality color printing. Your project will go a lot smoother and you will be much happier with the final results.

Any print ready files should be submitted as a high resolution PDF. This is the standard format used to prepare files for print production. If you are unable to send a PDF we will accept other file types.
The file page size should be submitted at the actual size of desired trim size plus bleed if applicable.
If the file size does not match the desired trim size, your artwork will be distorted.
Avoid sending multiples on 1 sheet. ie: 4 cards on an 8.5x11 sheet or booklet spreads with 2 pages adjoined. To save time and confusion, submit single pages at the actual size in ascending order and we'll take care of
the imposition!
If you have multiple pages, they should all be combined into one PDF file in ascending order.
Avoid including any type of printer marks in your file. Crop/Bleed/Registration/Color Bars are not necessary.
If your artwork is not intended to reach the edge of the page, it should have a minimum of 0.25" white border on all four sides. Any artwork that is intended to reach the edge of the final print, see below for bleeds.
All artwork that is intended to reach the edge of your final print must be submitted with 0.125" inch bleed on all
four sides. The PDF size should read 0.25” larger than the desired trim size.
For high quality printing, artwork should be no lower than 300 dpi. However, we will print anything lower as long as
the customer approves of it. Keep in mind that raising the dpi of a graphic from a low resolution will not make it
"high quality". The best way to determine if your image is satisfactory is to zoom in.
Full-Color Print: Convert all RGB and Pantone spot colors to CMYK color mode.
Spot Color Print (max 2): Convert any and all artwork to the desired Pantone spot colors.
Black and White "Photos": Convert to grayscale color mode. (Not CMYK or RGB gray)
Black or Gray "Objects & Text": Convert to a percentage of black only. (Not a build of CMYK)
Learn more about color